
Writing refers to a number of literary devices that can be used to convey tone in a novel. When writing thrillers, the tone is critical; it gives the story life!

This blog post will discuss the different tone words you can use in your thriller writing and how to choose the right one for your story. We’ll also talk about creating an attitude and mood that will keep readers on their toes!

In a novel, the author’s tone refers to the writer’s attitude or feeling about the subject matter. The tone of a novel may be sad, happy, angry, etc. It can also be light or dark.

Thrillers can have many styles, but dark, light, and humor are the most common. Each tone creates a different mood and effect in the story, and each technique has strengths and weaknesses.

So it’s essential to choose the right one for your story. You don’t want your story to feel disjointed or out of balance. Find the right tone and use it throughout your account for maximum effect.

Dark tones

You can use dark tones to create a feeling of suspense and tension. They can be ominous and make the reader feel like something terrible has happened. This tone is often used at the beginning of a thriller before something thrilling happens.

When writing a story with a dark tone, you must know how to create a tense or oppressive atmosphere. One way to do this is by using specific words and phrases that convey a feeling of dread or unease. You can use it to make the reader feel like they are entering a dark and dangerous world. This tone is often paired with suspenseful music to increase the effect.

Some adequate words and phrases to create a dark tone include:

“dark” and “shadowy” images

“eerie” silence

“ominous” noises

mention of the dead or undead

descriptions of evil beings or acts

When using this tone, you should be careful not to overuse it. For example, a few paragraphs of darkness are more effective than a story written in this tone.


One example of a dark-toned thriller is Se7en, starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. The plot revolves around two detectives trying to catch a serial killer who bases his murders on the seven deadly sins.

Another example is the psychological thriller Primal Fear, starring Richard Gere and Edward Norton. In this movie, Gere plays a defense lawyer who takes on the case of a man accused of murdering the Archbishop of Chicago.

Light tones

You can use a light tone to create a sense of hope or happiness in the reader. This tone is often used to contrast the dark styles in the story and can be used to increase the suspense.

When using this tone, you should be careful not to use too much humor. A sparingly light style can add tension and make the reader feel vulnerable and not in control.

They can be bright and make the reader feel like something good will happen. This tone is often used at the end of a thriller after something thrilling has happened.


Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train, and Big Little Lies are all examples of light-toned thrillers. You might classify them as suspenseful dramas or mysteries, but they have a lighter tone than some other popular thrillers. They’re also all best-sellers.

Humorous tones

You can use a humorous tone to add fun and make the reader laugh in intense moments. You can use humor to affect thrillers significantly, but you should use it sparingly.


One example would be the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies. In these movies, the family always gets into wacky hijinks, but there’s still a sense of danger and suspense as they narrowly avoid a disaster at every turn.

Another example would be the classic comedy film The Three Stooges, in which the trio of hapless bumblers constantly find themselves in precarious situations that are both funny and suspenseful.

And finally, there’s the beloved children’s movie The Goonies, in which a group of kids goes on an adventure to find hidden treasure and end up running from bad guys and avoiding dangerous traps.

Other types of tones


There are several other types of tones you could use in thrillers. However, it’s really up to the writer to decide what tone will work best for their story.

For example, you could use a paranoid tone, in which the protagonist always looks over their shoulder and expects danger around every corner.

You could also use a darkly humorous tone, in which the story’s events are treated with gallows humor, and the characters make light of even the most dangerous situations.

You could use a tense, breathless tone that ratchets up the suspense and makes readers feel like they’re with the characters, experiencing everything first-hand.

People generally use a friendly tone when polite and engaging in small talk. They may also use a warm tone when trying to be reassuring or comforting.

On the other hand, people may use an assertive tone to get their point across or feel like they’re being challenged.

And finally, people may use a sarcastic tone to express contempt or displeasure.

The tone should be consistent throughout the story. For example, if it starts suspenseful, it should stay suspenseful until the end. If it’s exciting, it should remain exciting. If not, the reader may get bored or confused.

Example of a paranoid tone story

-She had always been paranoid, but ever since her break-up with her last boyfriend, she had become even more suspicious and cautious of everyone and everything.

She was constantly looking over her shoulder, fearful that someone was following her, watching her every move. And the worst part was, she could never be sure whether or not she was being paranoid or if someone was after her.

She would talk to herself out loud, trying to reassure herself that she was being paranoid. But deep down, she knew that something wasn’t right. “Why is he doing this?” she asked herself. “What does he want from me?” The answers were always elusive, but the fear that someone was always right behind her kept her on edge.

Examples of darkly humorous tones


One example of a darkly humorous tone in thriller novels is when the protagonist faces seemingly insurmountable odds but still finds a way to make a witty comment about the situation.

For instance, in the novel “The Da Vinci Code,” Robert Langdon makes a joke after being handcuffed and thrown into a Parisian jail cell. He says, “My hands have been tied by more than just cloth.” This humor can lighten the mood in dark situations and make the reader want to root for the protagonist.

Another example is the line, “I have a date with death,” which serial killer Hannibal Lecter spoke in the movie Silence of the Lambs. This darkly humorous line indicates that Lecter looks forward to murdering his next victim.

Another example of a darkly humorous tone in a thriller is when the protagonist is in danger but makes a joke about the situation. For example, “I knew this day would come. I didn’t think it would be my last.”

An example of a darkly humorous tone in thriller novels is when the protagonist experiences something intense or scary but realizes it could have been worse. For example, “That was too close. If he had hit me with the other hand, I would be dead.”

Example of a breathless tone story


One example of a breathless tone in thriller novels can be found in the following sentence: “He raced up the steps, three at a time, and burst through the door.” This sentence creates a sense of urgency and excitement by depicting the character sprinting up the stairs.

Another example:

-The detective is racing against time to climb the 15-story building before the bomb blows. Cursing the villain for disabling the elevators, he runs up the stairs two steps at a time, his heart pounding.

He only has ten minutes. He could hear the timer ticking away, counting down to disaster. If he didn’t reach the bomb in time, it would detonate and destroy the entire building.

He is almost there, but then his foot slips on a wet stair, and he tumbles several steps before landing painfully on his side. He tries to get up, but his limbs feel like lead weights. Finally, he forces himself to stand up. Then, using the railing, he pulls himself up step by step.

The timer is ticking faster now; he knows he will not make it. Finally, he reaches the 15th floor with twenty seconds to go. At the sight of an open door marked “Bomb Disarmed,” he slides to the floor and starts to laugh.

Each tone has its risks

Each tone has its own set of risks that the writer must manage.

-A dark tone can quickly become depressing.

-A light tone can seem frivolous and make the reader feel like they are not taking the story seriously.

-A humorous tone can fall flat or be seen as inappropriate.

The writer must find the right balance for their story and stick with it.


So, what tone should you set for your thriller? It depends on what mood and effect you want to create. If you make a dark, tense atmosphere, use a darker tone. Use a lighter tone to create a light and airy feeling. And if you want your readers to laugh out loud, go with a humorous style.

Just be aware of the risks associated with each tone – too much humor can make your reader feel like they’re not taking the story seriously, while too much darkness can leave them depressed or scared. Find the right balance for your story and stick with it!

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at

Best of luck with your writing!


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