
If you’re a thriller writer, then you know that writing is a challenging and rewarding process. However, it’s also a writing process that can be made more accessible by setting goals and following simple tips.

This blog post will discuss setting goals, staying motivated while writing, and overcoming common writing challenges. We’ll also provide examples of writing goals for thriller writers. So whether you’re just starting or you’ve been writing for years, these tips will help you achieve your writing goals!

Setting the scene for success

Establishing a clear vision of your writing goals

The first step to becoming a successful thriller writer is clearly defining your goals. Writing goals is an essential skill for both personal goals and writing goals.

You’ll want to make smart goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. Let’s break that down a bit further with some examples:

Specific: A specific goal is unambiguous. For example, rather than setting a goal to “lose weight,” a more specific goal would be to “lose 10 pounds in the next three months.”

Measurable: You can track and measure progress against a measurable goal. In the above example, you could measure your progress by weighing yourself regularly and keeping track of your weight loss each week.

Achievable: Given your current circumstances, an achievable goal is realistic and attainable. In the above example, losing 10 pounds in 3 months may be achievable if you commit to lifestyle changes like eating healthy and exercising regularly.

Relevant: A relevant goal aligns with your overall life goals and values. For example, if your goal is to be healthy and happy, then setting a goal to lose weight makes sense because it can contribute to those outcomes.

Time-Bound: A time-bound goal has a built-in deadline, creating a sense of urgency and motivation to take action. In our example above, the deadline of losing 10 pounds in 3 months gives you a specific timeframe to work with.

Some examples of writing goals include completing a certain number of chapters by a specific date or writing a certain number of words each day or week.

Setting clear and achievable goals will keep you motivated and help you quickly reach your writing goals.

Researching the thriller genre is essential to becoming a successful thriller writer. But first, learn what readers expect and what elements should go into creating a thrilling story.

Next, look at classic authors like Agatha Christie and explore modern thrillers to understand the different types of stories, plots, and scenes.

Then, find out what elements work best in a thriller to create an engaging story that readers will love.

Keeping your writing momentum going strong

Daily habits to keep you productive

Developing healthy writing habits that keep you productive is essential to become a successful thriller writer. Creating a consistent daily writing routine is one of the best ways to increase your writing skills.

Setting aside specific blocks of time each day or week dedicated to your writing can help you stay focused and on track with your goals. In addition, setting realistic, achievable goals can help you stay on track and develop good habits.

Finding inspiration in the right people and places

Tips and tricks for creative thinking

It is also important to practice self-care to stay productive and motivated. Writing can be stressful, so take breaks when needed or incorporate relaxation into your daily routine. Spending time with loved ones and doing festive activities can help you stay energized and motivated.

One of the best ways to stay creative and inspired when writing a thriller is by immersing yourself in stimulating environments full of exciting conversations and activities.

Whether attending a book club or reading other authors’ works, staying up to date on current events, or engaging with like-minded people in your field, filling your life with purposeful activity can do wonders for sparking your creative side.

Additionally, finding and connecting with other authors in the thriller genre can provide you invaluable insight into the world of writing thrillers. So don’t be afraid to reach out and build relationships when possible.

Finally, don’t hesitate to ask for help or join a writing group. Support from friends or professionals can make a huge difference in overcoming any challenges you may face while pursuing your writing goals.

Crafting killer plots in unforgettable settings

Strategies to bring your thriller to life

Developing an exciting and unique setting for your story is important when writing a thriller novel. Location is critical. It must be vivid enough to feel like a character in its own right.

Think about the environment that would best suit the action and suspense of your tale. Is it a small town in rural America? A bustling city in Europe? An isolated island in the Caribbean?

Consider the geography and history of the setting, as well as its unique sights and sounds. This will help to keep readers engaged and on the edge of their seats as they become immersed in the story.

As you craft your narrative, pay attention to the details of your setting. How will it affect the characters? What kind of research do you need to conduct to ensure that you’ve nailed the nuances of your location?

The pacing of your story is another critical aspect to consider

Will it be a fast-paced thriller or a slow-burning mystery? As with any genre, there must be a balance between action, dialogue, and description.

Too much action can be overwhelming, and too much description might bore the reader. Instead, mix up your scenes and explore different aspects of your setting to keep readers engaged.

Writing as you mean it!

Tips and techniques to make your writing pop

Creating a gripping plot with compelling conflict is vital. However, developing exciting characters and driving them toward an unforgettable conclusion can be challenging. Still, with careful planning and dedication, you can construct a narrative to keep readers on edge.

Work on honing a writing style that is distinct and memorable for readers. Focus on creating vivid imagery in descriptions, crafting dialogue that flows smoothly and realistically, and finding creative ways to express ideas in the narrative.

Additionally, it’s essential to stay organized when writing your story. Have a plan for where the plot is heading, which characters will be involved, and how each character’s arc will progress.

Take time to develop multi-dimensional characters with depth of emotion and purpose. Then, ask yourself how their goals and motivations interact with the story’s themes and other characters in the narrative.

Remember to let your characters take center stage. Ensure they are fully fleshed out – not just their physical description but also their backgrounds, beliefs, and motivations.

A great way to do this is by giving each character a unique voice so readers can tell them apart, which makes them feel more natural and creates a strong bond between readers and the characters they follow.

With an exciting setting, vivid characters, and compelling plotlines, you can create an immersive world that draws readers in and keeps them coming back for more. Then, with practice and patience, you can create stories that will stay with readers long after finishing the book.

Writing compelling stories starts with developing your unique voice!

Don’t be afraid to put your spin on things. What works for other authors might not work for you – so feel free to experiment and find the writing style that works best for you and matches the story you are trying to tell.

After all, readers love stories that are unique and entertaining! So let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you – who knows, maybe one day, your story will become an international sensation!

Releasing your work

The best publishing platforms for thriller writers

Once your thriller is polished and ready to go, it’s time to get it out into the world, which will require research to choose the best publishing platform for your needs.

Submit your manuscript to larger publishers or a service like Print On Demand (POD) if you want traditional print publication.

If you’d instead go self-publishing, Amazon Kindle is a popular choice. There are also plenty of e-book publishers, such as Blackmask and Smashwords, that you can consider for releasing your thriller. Do some research and choose what’s best for your story!

Marketing your thriller

Now that your thriller is published, you need to get it into the hands of your readers, which is where marketing comes in!

Start by creating a website or blog for yourself and creating social media accounts. Use these platforms to publicize your book, encourage reviews from readers (especially influencers), and engage with other authors in the community.

You can also use paid advertising to spread the word about your book and reach new readers.

Finally, consider contacting local bookshops and libraries to get your thriller stocked on their shelves—it’s a great way to engage with more potential readers.

With the right combination of passion, dedication, and these marketing strategies, you’ll be able to reach new readers and make a success of your crime thriller.


Writing can be tricky and sometimes even daunting, but it doesn’t need to be if you have the right tools. Many strategies will help you with the goal-setting process, set the scene for success, and keep your writing momentum going strong so that you can create something remarkable.

Whether you’re looking for creative inspiration or tips on crafting powerful plots in beautiful settings, this blog post covers you. So, don’t let writer’s block ruin your progress – dig into these tips and tricks and start writing like you mean it! Who knows? You might have a classic thriller on your hands!

Thank you for taking the time to read my article! May you find success and joy in all that you create. Best of luck!

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at

All the best,


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