
How long is the book writing process, many aspiring authors ask themselves at one time or another. The answer, unfortunately, is not always straightforward. It depends on various factors, including the book’s length, how much research you need to do, and how much editing and revision is required.

This blog post will give tips and tricks to help you write your book as quickly and efficiently as possible!

How long does it take to write a book on average, and how can you speed up the process?

Most early reader books would only take up to a month to write, and unless you want to write an epic fantasy novel where the complexity would slow things down, the average person writes about 300 words per hour.

So, a typical fiction book would take approximately three months to write if you wrote eight hours a day. But, of course, this is just an estimate – some people can write much faster, while others may take longer. For example, it took J.K. Rowling six years to write Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

How long it will take depends on your writing routine, your actual writing, and your average writing time.

There are several things you can do to speed up the process, such as:

Plotting your story in advance

– Start by brainstorming the critical elements of your story. What’s the big mystery or crime at the center of it all? Who are the main characters, and what are their motivations? Write down everything that comes to mind.

– Create a timeline of events. Once you have a general idea of what will happen, start creating a timeline of scenes and events to help you keep track of what needs to happen and make sure your story flows smoothly.

– Write out critical scenes and dialogues. As you plot your story, start writing out the most important settings and dialogues. It doesn’t have to be the whole scene, just a few paragraphs or bullet points to get the idea down.

Breaking the writing process into manageable chunks

If you’re overwhelmed by how much there is to write, break the cycle down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Write 500 words daily, or focus on one scene at a time. Figure out what steps you need to take to complete the project, and then tackle each step one at a time.

For example, if you’re writing a book, you might break the process down into stages like plotting, drafting, editing, etc. Then, you can further break things down within each step into smaller tasks.

So for the plotting stage, you might have tasks like coming up with your characters, brainstorming scenes, and outlining the overall structure of your book.

The key is not to get overwhelmed by the entire project – focus on taking it one step at a time, and you’ll get there eventually.

Trying to write a book in a month will probably not be sustainable in the long run and will likely lead to burnout. So take your time, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Writing in short bursts

The best way to write in short bursts will vary depending on what works best for you. However, here are a few general tips that might help:

– Set a timer and challenge yourself to write as much as possible within that time limit. Doing this can help you get into a momentum of writing without overthinking or editing too much.

– Write in short, concise sentences or bullet points to break things down into manageable chunks and make it easier to keep going.

– Keep your focus on a specific goal or topic, and don’t stray too far from it. Covering too much ground in one go can be overwhelming and make it challenging to stay on track.

Using a dictation tool

Some people find a dictation tool helpful for taking notes in class, others use them to write essays, and others to create lists or record their thoughts. This tool can be a great way to keep your hands free while working and help you be more productive.

One thing to remember when using dictation software is that it takes some practice to get used to speaking naturally into the microphone.

It’s essential to ensure that the software is set up correctly to recognize your voice. Once you get used to it, dictation can be a fast and easy way to take down information.

All of these things can help you write more quickly and efficiently. Of course, editing and revision are also important parts of the process. Once you have a complete draft, it’s essential to go back and revise it to make sure everything is tight and polished.

Adding an editing tool

Here are a few editing tools to consider:

– What kind of edits are you looking to make? Do you want to do simple grammar and spelling corrections or more substantial revisions like content organization and restructuring?

– Who will be using the tool? Just yourself, or do you need something that multiple people can use?

– How much time and effort are you willing to put into setting up and learning the tool?

With those things in mind, here are a few potential editing tools to investigate:

Grammarly is a popular grammar checking tool that can be used online or through a downloadable app. It offers both free and paid options, with the paid option giving you access to more features like advanced grammar rules, plagiarism detection, and tone suggestions.

ProWritingAid is another grammar-checking tool with free and premium versions. It also offers features like a style editor, detailed reports, and integrations with Word and Scrivener.

The Hemingway Editor is a tool that helps you to simplify and streamline your writing. It highlights issues like complex phrases, adverbs, and passive voice so that you can make your writing more clear and concise.

Common mistakes authors make that can slow them down or prevent them from finishing their book

One of the most common mistakes authors make is not having a clear story outline before they start writing. They often get “stuck” and waste precious time figuring out what happens next.

It’s also essential to be disciplined with your writing schedule – if you only write a few hours here and there, it will take much longer to complete your book than if you set aside a few hours each day to work on it.

Another common mistake is editing as you go. It is essential to get your thoughts down on paper and worry about perfecting them later! If you stop to edit every sentence, you’ll never get anything written. Just remind yourself you can always go back and revise later.

How to stay motivated throughout the writing process, when it feels like progress is slow or nonexistent

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to set small goals for yourself and then celebrate each time you reach one. For example, if your word count goals are around 50,000 words in three months, you can give yourself a small reward each time you hit a milestone, such as reaching 25,000 or 30,000 words.

Another way to stay motivated is to remind yourself why you’re writing in the first place. Why did you start this project? What are your goals for it? When you feel like giving up, think about how accomplished you’ll feel when you finally reach the end.

And try to find a writing community or group that can offer support and accountability. It can be helpful to have people to talk to who are going through the same thing as you.

Finally, it’s important to know when to take breaks!

If you’re feeling stuck, taking a walk or watching a movie can sometimes help jumpstart your creativity. And when it comes to your overall writing goals, it’s essential to give yourself some breathing room!

Editing techniques to ensure your work is as good as it can be before sending it off to agents or publishers

One essential editing technique is getting feedback from beta readers or a professional editor.

Beta readers are usually people who volunteer to read your work and give you their thoughts and opinions. A professional editor can help you identify areas needing improvements, such as plot holes or inconsistencies.

Another helpful technique is reading your work aloud to yourself or someone else, which can help you catch errors you might not have noticed before.

Finally, make sure to give yourself some time away from your work before going back and editing it. Taking two weeks or more off will allow you to look at it with fresh eyes and catch any mistakes you might have missed.

How do you deal with rejection, and what should you do if a publisher doesn’t pick up your book?

Every author deals with rejection in their way. Some people can shrug it off and move on quickly, while others take it very personally.

It’s important to understand the publishing process. Just because one person or publisher doesn’t like your work doesn’t mean your book is terrible. There are many different types of books, and not every book will be a perfect fit for every publisher.

You have a few options if a publisher doesn’t pick up your book. You can self-publish, which has become much more common in recent years. If you decide to self-publish, it’s essential to ensure that your book is the best it can be before you put it out there.

You don’t want to rush through editing to get your book published quickly.

Ways to market your book once it’s finished

– Utilizing social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to market your book is a great way to reach new readers.

– A blog tour is a series of blog posts that feature your book on different blogs, a great way to get your book exposure and build buzz.

– Using paid advertising platforms like Amazon Ads or Google AdWords to market your book can be an effective way to reach new readers and sell more books.


It can take months or even years to write a book, depending on the book’s length, how much research is involved, and how often you write. However, you can do things to speed up the process, such as using writing software, setting a writing schedule, or hiring a ghostwriter.

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If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at

Happy writing!


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