
Are you struggling to come up with exciting things to write about? Are you finding yourself stuck for ideas? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many people find themselves in this position at some point or another.

The good news is that there are plenty of things to write about – you need to know where to look. Some people find inspiration in everyday events and personal experiences, while others use their imagination to craft thrilling stories.

This blog post will discuss ideas that should help you through writer’s block and get your creative juices flowing!

Write about your day-to-day life as a thriller writer – what you did, who you talked to, etc.

It’s not so much that a thriller writer needs to write about their day-to-day life to find ideas of what to write about, but it can help spark the creative process. Of course, it’s also helpful to have a variety of sources for inspiration, and spending time in your everyday life can provide plenty of exciting material to work with.

Whether you’re observing people on the bus or taking note of intriguing headlines in the news, there’s no shortage of potential story ideas. By documenting these moments as they happen, you can use them as inspiration when it comes time to sit down and start writing.

Some possible topics for writing inspiration could include:

• Mysterious strangers

• Dangerous coincidences

• Unexplained noises or sightings

• Suspicious behavior or activities

• A feeling that someone is watching or following you

• Strange phone calls or emails

• Unusual packages or deliveries

• Childhood memories

“Creating suspense is like a puzzle. You must take all the pieces and figure out how they fit together, so the story hangs together.” – American crime writer Karin Slaughter.

Tips on how to find inspiration for your thriller writing:

• Keeping a journal of exciting events or experiences that happen during the day

• Watching crime documentaries or reading murder mystery novels for inspiration

• Taking walks or drives in scenic areas that can inspire setting and plot ideas

• Keeping a file of news headlines or articles about crimes or scandals for story ideas

• Google search for interesting ideas

Write about your passions and what you love doing. What makes you happy?


Write about things that make you feel alive.

Some possible topics or passions that could make thriller writers happy include exploring dark and twisty psychological themes; creating nail-biting suspense scenes; inventing complex and compelling characters; researching exotic and dangerous locations; and diving deep into the mechanics of crime and investigation.

It’s up to each writer to find what makes them happy and use that as a source of inspiration for their work.

Here are a few things thriller writers should remember when writing about their passions:

First and foremost, it’s essential to make your readers feel the suspense and excitement that you feel yourself. This means creating a fast-paced, page-turning story with intriguing characters and an unpredictable plot.

Secondly, staying true to your voice as a writer is crucial. Be authentic in your storytelling, and let your passion for the genre shine through.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun with it! Enjoy the writing process and let yourself get lost in the world of your story. After all, if you’re not having fun, neither will your readers.

Take a look at current events – what’s happening worldwide?

There is always something going on in the world that’s worth discussing. Whether it be politics, entertainment, sports, or something else, find a way to express your opinion on things happening in the world. This can be a great way to write about relevant things and keep you up-to-date.

If you’re into conspiracy theories, you could explore the idea that a secret cabal of influential people controls the world.

Or, if you’re more into horror, you could write about a zombie apocalypse that wipes out most of humanity.

Alternatively, if you want to stay away from the dark side, you could explore how new technologies are changing the way we live our lives and how that might lead to unforeseen consequences.

Here is an example:

Imagine a future where everyone is constantly connected to the internet and GPS tracking, and there’s no such thing as privacy anymore. How would that change the way we behave and interact with each other?

You could also look to the past and explore things that have gone forgotten:

Maybe you’d like to take a stab at writing about the lives of people in Ancient Greece or the lost city of Atlantis. Or perhaps you’re interested in World War II and want to tell the story of what it was like to be a soldier during those times.

If you need something more lighthearted, there are plenty of ideas to explore:

You could look at things like the latest fashion trends or popular hobbies that people are entertained with now. Or explore things like cooking, food trends, and different cultures worldwide.

Write about people in your life. Have you had an impactful conversation recently?

Did someone make you think or feel something different? Writing about people is a great way to show your appreciation.

One possibility is for a thriller writer to explore the consequences of a single conversation that alters the course of history. For example, what if a scientist discovered a way to cure cancer but decided to keep it a secret? Or what if two friends had an argument that led to one of them committing murder?

An impactful conversation can catalyze a change in someone’s life. It could be a discussion that leads to an epiphany or a confrontation that forces someone to see things in a new light.

A thriller writer could explore the impact of an intense conversation on someone already on the brink of disaster:

– Perhaps the protagonist is a criminal who has been caught and is being interrogated by the police. The detective tries to get him to confess, but the criminal has something important to say first. He tells the detective about his crimes, but he also reveals something more sinister – he has been blackmailing people for years and knows who killed the detective’s partner. This confession changes the course of the interrogation and much more.

A romantic writer could explore the moment two people meet for the first time and things suddenly click into place. It could be an instant connection or something that grows over time. The emotions are intense, and things move quickly without any physical contact.

If you want to write something more humorous, try coming up with an absurd fictional sport. Think of all the ridiculous things that could happen during the game and build a story around them. Perhaps each team is made up of aliens who have no idea how to play, or maybe the rules keep changing without notice.

Whatever it is could be about a conversation that changes someone’s life or reveals a shocking secret. It could be suspenseful and thrilling, leaving readers on the edge of their seats as they try to figure out what will happen next.

The possibilities are endless!

Tell about a time you overcame adversity or did something courageous

It’s a misconception that thriller writers only write about dark, gritty topics like violence and crime. In reality, thriller writers often explore overcoming adversity or doing something courageous.

This is because readers of thrillers are looking for stories with excitement and suspense, and they want to root for the hero or heroine who is up against seemingly insurmountable odds.

So how can a thriller writer tell this kind of story?

One way is to show the character in action, taking risks and making brave decisions in the face of danger.

Another way is to reveal the backstory of how the character got to this point, illustrating all the challenges they’ve faced and overcome. Whatever approach the writer takes, it’s essential to ensure the character’s motivation for facing the challenges is clear and believable.

Finally, don’t forget to add a creative twist. Thrillers are full of unexpected plot twists and turns, so make sure your story has something that will keep readers guessing until the very end. With these things in mind, you should be able to write an exciting and engaging thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Give your opinion on current events or hot topics

Good thriller writers always keep an eye on the news and current events, as they can often inspire storylines or plot devices.

For example, a recent hot topic in the news has been the allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. elections. A thriller writer could craft a story around a conspiracy theory that Russia rigged the election results and used secret methods to influence voter behavior.

Or, they could write about a rogue agent working to expose Russian meddling and bring down their government.

Here are a few examples:

Lee Child is known for his strongly conservative political views, which often come out in his writing. His book Make Me was particularly relevant in the wake of the presidential election of 2016, as it explored the idea of a Trump-like figure becoming president.

Stephen King is also known for his political views, which tend to be more liberal than Lee Child. His book 11/22/63 explores the idea of going back in time to prevent JFK’s assassination, and King has spoken about how he doesn’t believe that Oswald acted alone.

John Grisham has not been as vocal about his political views, but one can infer from his writing that he is a socially conservative author. His book The Pelican Brief centers around corruption within the federal government.

Is there something that you’re exceptionally knowledgeable about?


A thriller writer might write about a crime committed within a family and its psychological effects on family members. They might also write about a crime committed against a family and the emotional toll it takes on them. Either way, a thriller writer would explore the dynamics of human relationships in the context of crime and violence.

A thriller writer might write about a crime committed using knowledge of an unsuspecting victim’s daily routine. For example, if the writer knew that their victim always took a walk at a specific time in the park each day, the criminal could take advantage of this fact and rob them or worse while they’re out for their walk. Thriller writers can use knowledge of small details like this to craft plot lines that are believable and suspenseful.

A thriller writer might choose to write about something they are knowledgeable about to provide authenticity and intrigue to their work. For example, a writer who is an expert on forensic science might choose to include intricate and suspenseful scenes involving forensics in their novel. Or a writer who has spent years living in exotic locations might choose to start writing thrillers set in those locations.

A thriller writer might write about a deadly virus on the loose and how a team of scientists must work together to find a cure before it’s too late. They might also write about a murder mystery in a remote location or a group of people stranded on an island after their boat capsizes. Whatever the topic, a thriller writer’s expertise can help add depth and excitement to their work.


No matter what you’re passionate about, if you tap into that feeling and share it with your readers, they will be more likely to connect with you.

Whether you’re sharing a laugh-out-loud moment from your day-to-day life or delving deep into the latest thriller plotline you’re working on, let your personality shine through in your writing. Be courageous – get out there and start observing the world around you – you never know what might inspire your next piece of writing!

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other writing articles at

All the best,



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