third person writing

The third-person point of view is a popular choice among thriller novelists. It can create engaging scenes, increase the stakes, and create cliffhangers that keep readers turning the pages.

This blog post will discuss using third-person writing effectively in your thriller novel. We will cover sentences, verbs, scenes, and stakes. By following these tips, you can create an exciting and suspenseful story that will keep your readers hooked until the very end!

What is third-person writing, and why use it for thrillers?

The third-person point of view is a writing style that uses pronouns such as he, she, it, they, and them. The third-person pov is often used in fiction, especially thrillers. Third-person writing can create engaging scenes by providing readers with a more objective perspective. It can also increase the stakes by showing the protagonist’s risks by revealing the antagonist’s plan or intentions.

Comparatively, a first-person pov is told from the perspective of the character. A third-person pov is told from an omniscient perspective, which means that the narrator knows everything that’s going on in the story.

When used correctly, third-person writing can create thrilling scenes that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats. It can also build suspense and develop cliffhangers that will leave them wanting more. You can make your story more exciting and compelling by increasing the stakes.

How to write scenes that are engaging and keep the reader hooked

You can keep the reader hooked by using strong verbs, active voice, and a limited third-person point of view. A limited third-person point of view is when the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of one character but not others. This allows for suspense to be built up in a scene as readers don’t see what everyone is thinking.

Here is an example:

In the movie The Terminator, Sarah Connor is being chased by a Terminator robot in the first scene. She runs into a bar and hides in the bathroom, but the robot finds her. She fights back and eventually defeats the robot by stabbing it in the eye with a metal pipe.

How to create a strong cast of characters that the reader will care about

strong cast

An excellent way to create a strong cast of characters is to make them well-rounded and three-dimensional. You can do this by giving each character their own backstory, goals, and motivations.

When creating your villain, it’s essential to make them just as complex and exciting as your protagonist. That way, you will keep the reader guessing who will win in the end.

It’s just as important to make sure that all of your characters are tied closely into the plot. They should be cut from the story if they don’t serve a purpose.

One example of a book with solid characters is J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. All of the characters in this novel are complex and fully developed, making them believable and relatable. Another movie with solid characters is 2005’s Crash, which features an ensemble cast of deeply flawed but ultimately sympathetic individuals. Each character in this film struggles with their demons, making for a powerful and moving experience.

Tips for creating suspenseful and thrilling plotlines

Creating suspenseful scenes is one of the most important aspects of writing a thriller novel. You can do a few things to make sure your settings are as suspenseful as possible.

First, you want to make sure that each scene has a clear goal. What is the protagonist trying to achieve? What is the antagonist trying to prevent?

Second, you want to make sure that the stakes are high. If the stakes are low, then the reader will lose interest. So make sure that the protagonist’s life is on the line or that a large amount of money is at stake.

Third, you want to create cliffhangers. A good cliffhanger will keep the reader engaged and anxious to discover what happens next.

Finally, make sure your scenes are well written and engaging.

The importance of pacing in thriller novels

importance of pacing

Why pacing is so vital in thriller novels is that you need to keep the reader on their toes constantly. If the pacing is too slow, then the reader will lose interest. If it’s too fast, the reader might feel overwhelmed or confused. You want to find a balance that will keep the reader engaged from beginning to end.

You can create pacing in different ways. Depending on the type of thriller you’re writing, you might want to focus on specific elements more than others. For example, if you’re writing a psychological thriller, you’ll want to focus on the suspense and tension built up throughout the story. On the other hand, if it’s a crime thriller, you might want to focus on what is happening at the crime scene.

No matter what type of thriller you’re writing, there are a few key elements that you always want to keep in mind. One of those is the use of suspenseful verbs. Suspenseful verbs create tension and make the reader feel like they need to know what will happen and when it will happen.

Some examples of suspenseful verbs

  • To watch — is a valuable verb in thrillers because it helps create suspense and tension. By having the characters looking over their shoulders, the audience is kept on edge, wondering what might happen next.
  • To follow — to follow someone or something can be thrilling, especially if you’re not sure what’s going to happen. It creates suspense and can be a great way to build tension in a story.
  • To investigate — is a valuable verb in thrillers because it allows the reader to feel as though they are part of the story and can discover clues along with the characters.
  • To discover — is often used in thrillers to add suspense and excitement, as it implies that something new and potentially dangerous is being revealed. For example, a detective who is hot on the trail of a killer might say, “I’m close to discovering his identity,” which creates tension in the reader and keeps them engaged in the story.
  • To hunt — is considered a helpful verb in thrillers because it allows the protagonist to track down the antagonist. This type of story is usually suspenseful and full of twists and turns, so the ability to stay one step ahead is critical.
  • To trace — is a valuable verb in thrillers because it helps to build suspense. For example, by not revealing the killer’s identity or the outcome of a chase, the reader or viewer is kept in suspense, eagerly awaiting further information.

How to edit your work for maximum impact

how to edit

There are a few general things you can do to make sure your work is as engaging as possible:

– Make sure your verbs are strong and active. Strong verbs create visual images to help the reader picture what’s happening.

– Use sensory details to bring your scenes to life. Show, don’t tell.

– Write dialogue that sounds natural and realistic.

– Increase the stakes. Make sure each scene has something at stake for your characters. What’s at risk? Their lives? Their sanity? Their relationships?


Third-person writing is a great way to create suspense and tension in your thriller novel. Well-written scenes will keep the reader hooked and help you build a strong following for your work. Characters that the reader cares about will make them invest more emotionally in the story. Pacing is essential – too fast or slow, and the effect is lost. Suspenseful verbs can bring a scene to life and add excitement. Editing is key to making sure your thriller novel packs a maximum punch.

Please take your time to follow these suggestions.

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at

Best of luck with your writing!


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