
Bias in thriller writing refers to the intentional or unintentional inclusion of prejudice and discrimination based on a person’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, disability status, sexual orientation, or other identity markers.

Bias is a massive problem in thriller writing. Unfortunately, many writers fall prey to it without even realizing it. This blog post will discuss how to avoid bias in your writing. We will also provide examples of good and bad writing so that you can see the difference for yourself. Follow these steps, and you will be able to write a thriller that is both suspenseful and unbiased!

Research your story topic thoroughly, staying aware of any potential bias and problematic beliefs

Bias in thriller writing can be a slippery slope. If you want to create a tense and intense atmosphere, avoiding stereotypes and cliches that could lead to offensive or alienating your readers is essential.

Bias in writing occurs when an author’s personal beliefs and opinions influence the information they provide in their writing. The most crucial step in avoiding bias in your writing is to be conscious of any preconceived notions or ideas you may carry.

Ask yourself questions such as “Does this character or plot point fit into a stereotype I’m used to seeing?” Bias can be intentional or unintentional, but it always hurts the reader’s understanding of the material.

When researching for a piece of writing, try to use reputable sources with no vested interest in the topic — this will help ensure that the facts presented are unbiased.

Additionally, contacting someone who knows specific rules/regulations around international intrigue (like local law enforcement requirements for investigations abroad) can help ensure these elements read correctly to life!

Researching different cultures, lifestyles, etc., will help ensure you accurately represent them rather than relying on stereotypes for inspiration. Speaking with experts and individuals immersed in those cultures (or researching credible sources written by them) can provide insight into nuances that cannot be gleaned from books alone.

To reduce bias in your writing, there are several steps you should take

Avoid using loaded language

Words are used to evoke emotion or create an opinion about something without providing proof. Examples include “obvious” or “clearly,” which immediately create judgment without supporting evidence.

Be mindful of associative thinking

This is when we make assumptions based on preconceived notions rather than actual evidence.

For example, let’s say you notice someone wearing traditional religious clothing for the first time. Without taking the time to consider who this person is and their individual beliefs, you may assume they hold specific values just because of their outward appearance – this would be an example of associative thinking regarding bias.

Review your work with a critical eye

Look through what you wrote objectively and see if anything could be interpreted differently than intended due to any bias present within the text.

Check your sources

Make sure that all sources you use are reliable and unbiased; this will help ensure your readers trust the accuracy of what you’re saying. If possible, try finding more than one source from different sides/perspectives to compare them before concluding an issue. This will ensure your story is more realistic, compelling, and unique—without relying on tired cliches!

Check for uncritical representations

During the writing process, as you write out certain events or dialogue in a scene, ask yourself whether this portrayal could be damaging towards any particular group or minority if taken out of context. If so, take some time to review it before publishing anything – sometimes, even small changes can make all the difference regarding bias!

Be Open-Minded

Please don’t make assumptions about people’s identities or experiences based solely on initial impressions; keep an open mind while researching and writing to get a full picture of the situation without coloring it with your own biases.

Avoid Generalizations

Don’t make sweeping statements like “all (blank) do (blank)” because this type of statement is rarely true. It is sadly familiar for people to make sweeping generalizations about certain groups of people based on their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or other traits without considering individual differences.

For example, Ethnocentrism – has become increasingly relevant lately due to political tensions across the world regarding immigration policies; drawing conclusions about a particular ethnic group based only on one’s own culture instead of attempting an understanding from another point of view leads to discrimination which should not be tolerated in any form whatsoever!

Double-check facts:

Make sure all information included has been confirmed by reliable sources.

Cast your characters broadly

When creating characters for a thrilling story, make sure to bring in diverse perspectives and backgrounds. This will help ensure that no single voice dominates the story and give readers a more multi-faceted view of the narrative.

It can be tempting as an author to populate your stories with white males as lone hero figures, but this limits the diversity of experiences available to readers. Aiming for representation amongst all genders, races, and cultures will keep your book engaging by bringing new perspectives into the narrative while avoiding outdated archetypes or stereotypes.

Here are examples that illustrate bias in writing:

“These new video games are destroying our kids’ minds!” – This opinion paints video games as inherently wrong without considering any potential benefits they offer (e.g., hand-eye coordination improvement), which makes it seem biased against gaming overall.

“Women should stay home and take care of children” – Considering both men & women work outside & inside the home today, this statement appears exclusive & ignores other forms of parenting structures —it would be viewed as biased against single parents or families where roles don’t fit within traditional gender norms.


Crafting a story with limited bias can be challenging, even for an experienced writer. Taking the time to research your topic deeply, double-check your sources, and be mindful of the details that make up the fabric of your story is of utmost importance.

Ensuring you are aware of potential biases and problematic beliefs while being conscious of representation when casting characters will help you stay on track. Good writing takes effort, patience, and care – but it is worth it! So go forth and write stories responsibly!

Thank you for taking the time to read. May you find success and joy in all that you create.

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at

Best of luck with your writing!


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