head shot writing a novel

Writing a novel is exciting, even though it can be a daunting task, especially if you’re writing a thriller. When writing a thriller, there are so many things to consider: the main subject, the setting, the plot, and most importantly, how to keep your readers engaged until the very end.

In this blog post, we will explore some writing advice from professional thriller writers that will help you write an edge-of-your-seat novel that will keep your readers captivated until the end!

Start by brainstorming ideas and plotting out the story

One of the most important aspects of writing a thriller is making sure your plot is well-developed and exciting.

Start by brainstorming ideas and coming up with a rough outline of the story. This outline will help you stay on track while writing and ensure the novel flows smoothly from beginning to end.

Your story idea can be anything you want, but it should be something you’re interested in and passionate about. The same with the setting. Choose a place where you would like to spend a lot of time. Once you have an idea, the next step is to develop a plot and characters.

“You have to know your characters well before brainstorming ideas for your plot,” says Brandon Sanderson, bestselling author of the Mistborn series.

Create believable and compelling characters

believable character

Character development for your thriller novel is critical. Get to know your characters well. Make sure they have believable motivations and backstories that help explain their actions throughout the novel.

Create character bios for each of your main characters. Then flesh them out and give them a backstory. A backstory will help you better understand their motivations and how they’ll interact with one another throughout the story.

Robert Crais is a best-selling author who knows how to write a thriller novel. According to him, character development is critical in keeping readers engaged in the story until the very end.

“The reader has to empathize with the main character, even if he or she is doing something despicable,” he says. “If you don’t have empathy for your characters, neither will your readers.”

If you’re having a hard time developing your characters, try using character profiles to help flesh them out.

Once you understand your characters, it will be easier to decide what point of view will work best for your story: first-person, third-person limited, or other. By then you will also have an idea of the different tones of voices and ways of expressing themselves.

“Your characters must be three-dimensional, believable, and sympathetic,” Robert Crais said in an interview with The Writer. “You need to create villains the reader can understand, or they will quickly lose interest. And you don’t have to like your characters; you just have to make sure the reader does.

Outline the main plot points of your story

Brainstorm the main plot points. Then based on those plot points, brainstorm ideas for a rough outline of the story: what happens and in what order.

Outlines can help you structure your story, organize your ideas, and track the plot points and character development from beginning to end.

There are a few reasons why outlining is so crucial for thriller writers. First, thrillers are all about pacing. You need to have a clear roadmap of where the story will keep the tension and suspense high throughout the novel.

Second, thrillers rely heavily on plot twists and surprises, and if you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen next, your readers will undoubtedly sense it.

Finally, thrillers are often complex novels with multiple characters and storylines that must be carefully plotted and coordinated. Again, an outline will help you keep everything straight as you write.

Here is an outline example – before flushing it out

Chapter 1
Seattle, September 7, 2018

· Phelan sits in his exclusive apartment, cracking his knuckles. He needs cash. He curses himself for being reckless. He’ll have to ask his father for money again. He has to come up with an excuse.

· Phelan’s father explodes, says he’s lying, and he can prove it. He says he might change his will.

· His mother interferes; talks to his father in privacy. His father tells him to come back the next day.

· Phelan wonders what his father plans to do. What proof was he talking about? He just can’t lose his inheritance. (Panicking.) Back in his apartment, he goes online to find a solution.

These four beats will take up well over a page once you start fleshing them out with character arcs and essential scenes.

Write a first draft of the novel

When you write a novel, you can always test it by telling it as a short story. This is a great way to start getting feedback on your work before you invest too much time and effort into writing the entire novel.

It’s also an excellent way to ensure that your short story has a beginning, middle, and end and that all the key plot points are in place. By telling your story as a short story, you can also get feedback on your characters, setting, and dialogue.

So go ahead and start writing your novel short story today! You may be surprised at how much feedback you get from friends and family members.

Now you’re ready to focus on the complete picture: the inciting incidence, the climax, and the resolution. This first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. Just get all the ideas down on paper. You will revise and edit this first draft a few times, but this is where you make sure the plot and characters are strong, and the writing is polished.

Write in a fast-paced, suspenseful style

fast paced

“Thrillers are all about pacing,” said Jeffery Deaver, another bestselling author of thrillers. “You have to maintain a fast pace throughout the novel, or the reader will lose interest.”

To do this, Deaver recommends using short sentences and paragraphs to make the reader want to keep turning the pages.

“You also need to have a good sense of suspense,” he said. “The reader should constantly be wondering what’s going to happen next.”

To create suspense, Deaver recommends avoiding predictable plots and using cliffhangers. Cliffhangers keep the reader on the edge of their seat, waiting to find out what happens next.

Examples of short sentences and cliffhanger scenes

– She clutched the wheel, her knuckles white. The car skidded on the ice, and she fought to keep it under control. She could see the edge of the cliff ahead, and she knew that if she didn’t make it past this curve, she was going to fall. The car slid again, and this time she couldn’t stop it. She felt herself being pulled towards the edge of the cliff…and then everything went black. When she woke up, she was tied to a chair in a dark room. She tried to move, but something held her still. And then she heard his voice…

– She was running through the forest, branches whipping her face, trying to escape. She could hear him behind her, his breathing ragged and angry. She had never been so scared in her life. Suddenly, she saw a clearing up ahead, and she put on a burst of speed. She could hear him close behind her, and she knew she wouldn’t make it. Right before he reached her, she jumped into the air…and then woke up screaming in terror.

– She wakes up in a cold sweat. The nightmare again. She can see the blade coming down, feel the slice of the knife through her skin. And then she wakes up, panting and terrified. It’s been happening more and more lately, ever since he was released from prison. She knows he’s coming for her. She can feel it in her bones. But what can she do? There’s no one to help her, no one who believes her. Except maybe…him.

About word count and writer’s block

When you’re writing a thriller, every word counts. You want to keep the reader engaged, and on the edge of their seat, so you need to make sure each scene advances the plot and builds suspense. And if you ever hit a roadblock or find yourself stuck, it can be helpful to think about ways to trim down your text and cut out unnecessary words.

So don’t worry if your word count is on the low side – if your story is tightly written and packs a punch, that’s all that matters.

Develop a strong ending

When it comes to thrillers, the ending is often what makes or breaks the novel. If it’s not compelling enough, readers will be left feeling disappointed and frustrated. But if you can manage to wrap things up with a bang, they’ll be talking about your book long after they’ve finished reading it.

No one knows for sure whether or not it’s a good idea to plan the ending of your story before you even begin writing. Some people swear by it, insisting that having a clear goal in mind will help keep your writing on track. Others believe that the ending should be left up to chance, letting the story take its natural course and see where it leads.

I can see the appeal of both methods. If you have a solid idea of where your story is going, then you can focus on crafting a well-told tale with a satisfying conclusion. But if you’re open to whatever twists and turns might come your way, then the journey can be just as exciting as the destination.

Quotes from famous writers

“If the reader asks ‘What happens now’? you’ve done it.”

This is a quote from the book “The Writer’s Guide to Punchy, Concise, and Compelling Dialogue” by James Scott Bell. It means that if the reader is wondering what happens next in your story, you’ve done your job as a writer and engaged them in your story. It’s a challenge for writers to keep readers engaged and asking questions, so make sure always to leave them wanting more.”

“One of the most important things for a thriller is a strong ending,” said Deaver. “If you don’t have a good ending, the reader will feel let down.”

Deaver recommends tying up all loose ends and leaving the reader with a cliffhanger.

Use cliffhangers to keep readers engaged

Cliffhangers create suspense by leaving the reader with unanswered questions. By ending each chapter or section with a cliffhanger, you’ll keep readers engaged and eager to find out what happens next.

Cliffhangers effectively create suspense and generate intrigue to hook the viewer and keep them coming back for more. They are commonly used in television series but can also be found in movies, books, and even internet articles.

By ending an episode or chapter on a suspenseful note, the reader or viewer is compelled to find out what happens next, which ultimately leads to higher viewership or reading numbers. Cliffhangers tap into our natural curiosity and desire to know what comes next, making them a powerful storytelling tool that’s here to stay.

Not sure how to write a cliffhanger? Try one of these techniques:

– Introduce a new character who is mysterious or dangerous.

– Have this new character discover something shocking.

– Set up a tense situation that begs to be resolved.

– Leave readers with unanswered questions.

Edit and revise your work until it’s perfect

edit revise your work

The thriller genre is all about suspense and tension, so you want to make sure that the information you provide your readers is accurate. This is especially important if your thriller novel contains any factual information.

However, you also want to leave some clues for the readers to figure out on their own, so they can’t predict what will happen next. It can be a challenge to balance giving the reader just enough information without spoiling the plot, but as with most things in life, practice makes perfect. So take some time to experiment with different ways of providing information and see which ones work best for your story.

It’s also important to be consistent with your plot and characters. If you introduce a new character or twist late in the game, make sure that you explain it early on so that the reader has time to process it. Don’t leave anything out – every detail matters when creating a successful thriller.

Before publishing your work, have someone else read it and provide feedback. This will help you catch any errors or inconsistencies you may have missed.

There are a few different options for getting help editing your novel. You could hire a professional editor or ask friends or family members to help edit your work. Additionally, online resources can help you with your editing process.

Editing is an essential step in the writing process, and it’s important to make sure that your work is as polished as possible before sending it off to publishers or agents. By taking advantage of the resources available to you, you can ensure that your novel is in its best possible form.

Take your time with the editing process

Should writers wait a few days or more in between editing their thrillers? That’s the question on everyone’s mind. On the one hand, you want to make sure that your thriller is as perfect as possible. But on the other hand, you don’t want to overthink it and end up ruining all the suspense. So what’s the correct answer?

Well, it depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a perfect thriller that will keep your readers glued to their seats, then you should take your time and edit it several times. However, if you’re just looking for something entertaining and well-written, then you can probably get away with editing it once or twice.

Publish your novel and enjoy your success

publish your novel

Before you make any decisions or take any steps towards publishing your book, be sure to do your research and learn as much as you can about the process. This research will help ensure that you’re making informed choices and taking the proper steps for yourself.

There is no one formula for publishing success. However, there are a few things that will help increase your chances of being published:

– Start by writing quality content. Make sure your writing is well-researched, error-free, and engaging.

– Submit to quality publications. Only submit your work to publications with a good reputation.

Self-publishing is becoming more and more popular every day, and for a good reason.

There are many benefits to self-publishing, the first of which is control. As an author, you have complete control over your work when you self-publish. You choose the cover design, the font, the layout, everything. You also get to decide how your book is marketed and what price it will be sold at.

Another benefit of self-publishing is speed. Traditional publishing can take years from manuscript submission to book release. With self-publishing, you can have your book on Amazon within a few months.

Write a book proposal. A book proposal is a document that outlines your idea for a book, including its topic, structure, and potential market. A book proposal is typically what publishers will ask for before agreeing to publish your book, but it can also be helpful to keep handy if someone special asks you about your book.


When you publish, enjoy the moment! As you know, publishing a novel can be a very rewarding experience. Not only will you have the satisfaction of having written a book, but you will also enjoy the recognition and financial rewards that come with being a published author.

– Enjoy the ride! Be sure to celebrate your accomplishments and savor your success.

– Don’t forget about your fans! Thank them for their support and let them know what’s going on with your book.

Share the love. Celebrate with family and friends – savor this moment together and enjoy the camaraderie of being part of something special.

Use this time to learn as much as you can – about writing, publishing, marketing, and anything else that will help you reach even greater heights. The best way to build on your success is to keep moving forward – so get started on your next project and see what you can achieve!


So, these are the basics of writing a novel. It’s not easy – it takes a lot of hard work and dedication – but if you put in the time and effort, you can achieve success. Just remember to start by brainstorming your ideas, plotting out the story, creating believable characters, outlining the main plot points, and then writing the first draft. Once you have that done, revise and edit until it’s perfect, publish your work, and enjoy your success. Are you ready to write your bestseller?

Use cliffhangers to keep readers engaged and don’t worry about word count and writer’s block. Fiction writers are resilient with their own writing, edit and revise their work to perfection, and publish their novels for the world to enjoy.

Congratulations on taking this important first step on your journey to becoming a successful novelist!

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at https://ullahakanson.com/blog/

Happy writing!


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