
Are you looking to write a page-turning thriller? There are certain writing conventions that, when used correctly, can make your stories captivating and unputdownable.

This blog post will explore the many elements of these conventions, from tips and tricks on creating an edge-of-your-seat story to real-world examples of the writing conventions used in famous thrillers. If you want your readers to be entranced by your next thriller, read on for a guide on writing conventions!

Understand the different types of writing conventions

It’s important to understand the different types of writing conventions and when each can be used for maximum effect.

Examples of some of the fundamental writing conventions include punctuation (like the correct use of quotation marks, for example), capitalization, grammar and spelling, and the set of rules, guidelines, and standards that writers should follow when composing a written work.

Other fundamental writing conventions include plot structure, narrative point of view, character development, and tone.

Plot structure

A good thriller will have a well-structured plot that keeps readers guessing as to what will happen next. To achieve this, you can use techniques such as foreshadowing, flashbacks, and suspense to create tension and intrigue.

For example, in the best-selling thriller Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, the protagonist’s wife goes missing on their anniversary, and events from her past are revealed throughout the novel that keeps readers guessing until the end.

Narrative writing conventions

A great thriller book will also have a clear narrative point of view, typically written in the third person limited perspective so that readers can experience events through the protagonist’s eyes.

This allows readers to connect with the character and better understand their motivations and actions as they unravel the mystery.

Character development

Along with the protagonist’s development, great thriller novels also feature in-depth character development for the other characters in the story to give readers an understanding of their motivations and actions.

This depth of characterization will keep readers invested in the story, as they can see different sides to each character and try to piece together who is behind the mystery.

Analyze tone and voice to make your writing engaging

One of the most important elements of writing an engaging thriller is your tone and voice. By striking a balance between suspense, fear, and excitement you can keep readers on the edge of their seats and make them want to turn the page.

Make sure to vary your sentence structure, dialogue, description, and pacing in order to create tension and atmosphere throughout the story. Also, use vivid language that immerses readers in the story and helps them visualize each scene as they read.

Finally, by taking the time to fully develop your characters and their motivations, you can make sure that your story is full of believable dialogue and actions as well as plenty of suspenseful moments.

With these factors in mind, you can craft a thrilling story that will keep readers engaged until the very end!

Learn how to structure your sentences for clarity and flow

Good sentence structure is key to ensuring that your readers can easily follow the story. Keeping your sentences concise and using active verbs will help make sure that each sentence has a purpose and helps move the narrative forward.

Additionally, start with simple, declarative sentences and progress to more complex ones as needed, while keeping in mind which words bring out the mood and atmosphere of your story.

Pay attention to detail

Details are what bring a story to life! Making sure that all of your characters, scenery, and settings are described vividly is critical for creating an immersive story.

It’s also important to be consistent with the details to avoid confusing your readers.

By using descriptive language and paying attention to the small details, you can create a compelling world that will draw in your readers and make them feel like they are part of the story.

Understand story structure

Having a good understanding of story structure will help you create a more compelling narrative.

Knowing how to use the building blocks of storytelling, such as plot, character arcs, and rising action, can help you keep your readers engaged and make sure they don’t lose their connection to the story.

Learning how to craft a strong beginning and end is also an important part of storytelling. The beginning should set the stage and introduce your main characters while the ending should provide closure and a sense of resolution for your readers.

With a good story structure in place, you can make sure that your story flows smoothly from beginning to end.

By taking some time to understand the basics of storytelling and learning how to use different elements effectively, you’ll be able to create stories that captivate your readers and keep them coming back for more.

So don’t get intimidated by the idea of storytelling, just think of it as an opportunity to tell a story in an interesting and engaging way!

Create a cohesive flow within your paragraphs

When you write a story, it’s important to make sure that each paragraph flows from one to the next. This means that your sentences should transition smoothly from one thought or point to the next and provide cohesion throughout the whole piece.

You can do this by making sure to use connecting words like “however,” “furthermore,” and “therefore” to keep your sentences and ideas connected.

Additionally, you can also repeat keywords and concepts for a stronger connection between the paragraphs. This will ensure that your story has a strong flow and will be easy to read and follow.

Persuasive writing conventions

Persuasive writing is an art form, and when used in a thriller it can be incredibly effective. It’s designed to manipulate the readers’ emotions, making them feel fear, excitement, suspense, or pity for the characters.

Every conversation that takes place between two characters in a thriller should have an element of persuasion within it. This often comes through subtext – unspoken words that give away important clues about motives and agendas.

An example can be found in Dan Brown’s novel Angels & Demons where the hero Robert Langdon speaks persuasively with his allies to uncover the truth behind the mystery they all face together.

Use descriptive language for maximum engagement

Using descriptive language is an essential part of successful writing, as it helps to bring your story to life and make it more interesting.

Make sure to include vivid details that will draw in the reader and help them visualize what is happening in the story. Consider describing each minor detail such as a person’s expression or a room’s atmosphere. Doing so will help them connect with your story on a deeper level.

Craft a Satisfying Ending

The ending is one of the most important parts of your story, as it should leave readers feeling satisfied with the journey they have taken.

A great way to do so is to bring all of the characters and plot points together in an organic way that feels satisfactory.

Make sure that your ending feels earned and that you wrap up any loose ends to provide a sense of closure for readers. If done correctly, you can leave readers with a feeling of satisfaction that will stay with them long after they have finished the last page.

Utilize Sophisticated Word Choice for Maximum Impact

Writing is an art; mastering it requires understanding the nuances of carefully chosen words. Using sophisticated language and proper grammar can help your content stand out and make it more memorable.

It’s also important to remember that in order to create an effective narrative, you need to focus on what your story has to say, rather than how it says it. So by carefully selecting your words and choosing to use more sophisticated language, you can craft a story that will leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Enhance your writing style

Finally, take some time to research different writing styles that you may find interesting. Learning about different genres and techniques of storytelling can be a great way to help you find your own unique voice.

There are many resources available online that offer advice on how to become a better storyteller. Reading books written by experienced authors can also help you hone your storytelling skills.

Paying attention to the way they construct their stories and how they use descriptive language can help you develop your own style of writing. With some practice and dedication, you can become a master storyteller!

Use powerful verbs to add strength to your writing

Using powerful verbs is an effective way to add action and momentum to your writing. Verbs can make a huge difference in the impact of your story, so it pays to choose them carefully.

Consider using words like ‘accelerate’, ‘propel’, and ‘surge’ instead of more common ones like ‘move’, ‘go’, and ‘run’.

Or, using proper nouns, for example; if you were describing how frantic someone was in a particular situation, rather than saying they ran quickly, say they ran ‘like Usain Bolt at the Olympics.’ This metaphor has greater depth and paints a clearer picture of what occurred for readers.


Writing is a form of self-expression that requires practice and guidance. It is essential to understand the different types of writing conventions, such as tone, voice, sentence structure, paragraph cohesion, and word choice in order to produce powerful and eloquent content.

Recognizing the nuances between these elements will help you write more effectively and efficiently. By understanding how to find the right balance of each element within your writing, you can create an engaging piece for your reader.

From utilizing sophisticated words to adding strength with powerful verbs – thoughtfully crafted prose conveys ideas while captivating your readers’ attention.

The best way to hone this skill is by practicing often, honing in on what works for you, and gathering feedback from trusted sources. With dedication and hard work, anyone can learn to write masterful sentences that will make lasting impressions on their readers.

Thank you for taking the time to read about these instructional writing conventions. May you find success and joy in all that you create.

If you’re working on your first novel and are looking for more help with your writing, please check out my other articles at

Best of luck with your writing!


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